Women suffer a lot in societies like Pakistan when they are out for work. There are women working in the formal sector organizations and similarly women working in the informal sector. A beauty of Pakistani society is that women from informal sector are huge in number but a dilemma is that there is no law governing the rights of women from informal sector.Recently a consultation was conducted to formulate policy for women workers in Pakistan. Many renowned organizations participated in the consultation session. At the end of session recommendations were made.
A renowned Lawyer, Politician and Social Worker, Salman Yousaf Khan in his comments added that there is no law pertaining to women belonging to informal sector at present in the country. The Protection Against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act 2010 is a black law as it is full of ambiguities and its dealing with women working in organizations only. It doesn't cover the women working at homes. He further stressed that amending the existing labor laws and women protection laws in terms of definition of workplace is not sufficient.
It is time to make new enactments. Salman Yousaf Khan informed the audience that there is a bill made by the Province of Punjab regarding the Home Based workers. If the same gets approved, it will become law. On the footings of same other provinces can make laws related with home based working women and domestic workers.
It is time to educate the Parliamentarians that their basic role is to make legislation. So that no one remains deprived of recognition in Pakistan.
The Pleaders Trust