Monday 7 October 2024

A non custodial parent has inherent right to effectively participate in the upbringing of minor

 PLJ 2024 Lahore 601

Present: Masud Abid Naqvi, J.



Mst. SHEHLA KHALID etc.--Respondents

W.P. No. 46618 of 2021, heard on 21.3.2024.

Guardian and Wards Act, 1890 (VIII of 1890)--

----S. 25--Application for custody of minor--Dismissal of petition as withdrawn--Visitation schedule--Appeal--Partly allowed--Petitioner was paying maintenance allowance--Petitioner was living alone without any female--Non-custodial parent--Amendment in visitation schedule--Challenge to--Counsel for petitioner, under instructions of petitioner fully assures High Court that petitioner will never ever remove minor from jurisdiction of Guardian Court--A minor not only needs love, affection, care and attention of a mother but also father and negating a non-custodial parent of his/her right to meet his/her minor children would lead to emotional deprivation--A non-custodial parent has an inherent right to effectively participate in upbringing of minor and that cannot be achieved without properly chalked visitation schedule--Visiting schedule significantly bridges a relationship between minor children and a non-custodial parent--Using visitation rights, a non-custodial parent can not only recolour emotions of minor children for him/her but also reinvigorate bond of love and affection with minor--Partly allowed.            [Pp. 603 & 605] A, B & C

2018 SCMR 1991 ref.

Mr. Muhammad Mumtaz Faridi, Advocate for Petitioner.

Mr. Allah Ditta Naseem, Advocate for Respondent No. 1.

Date of hearing: 21.3.2024.


Brief facts of this writ petition are that petitioner/ father filed an application under Section 25 of the Guardians & Wards Act, 1890 (“Act”) for custody of the minor namely Marosh Hassan, which was contested by Respondent No. 1/ mother by filing reply and raising certain legal as well as factual objections. Out of divergent pleadings of both the parties, issues were framed by the learned Guardian Court. Thereafter, on 10.06.2020, the petitioner/father appeared before the learned Guardian Court and got recorded his statement which is reproduced hereunder:

stated that if schedule of the minor’s meeting with me as a real father be fixed by the Court then I would not be having any objection if the instant petition for custody of the minor be dismissed as withdrawn.”

Learned Guardian Court issued a schedule of meeting with minor and dismissed the petition as withdrawn vide order dated 10.06.2020. Feeling aggrieved, Respondent No. 1 filed an appeal and learned Additional District Judge, Pakpattan vide judgment dated 31.05.2021 partially allowed the appeal and issued new schedule for visitation of minor with the petitioner/father. Being dissatisfied, the petitioner/father has filed the instant writ petition and challenged the validity of impugned judgment passed by the learned Appellate Court.

2. During arguments, learned counsel for the petitioner has shown no objection on certain amendments in the order of learned Guardian Court, under instructions, while learned counsel for Respondent No. 1 fully supports the impugned judgment, passed by learned Appellate Court with the arguments that the petitioner/ father is living alone without any female in the house and will not properly maintain his ten years old minor daughter and the Respondent
No. 1/mother seriously apprehends that overnight stay will be misused by the petitioner/father in removing the minor from the jurisdiction of the learned Guardian Court but also acknowledges that the petitioner/ father is paying the maintenance of minor without any arrears at this moment. On query, learned counsel for the petitioner, under instructions of petitioner present in the Court, fully assures this Court that the petitioner will never ever remove the minor from the jurisdiction of the learned Guardian Court. I have heard the arguments of the learned counsels for the parties and perused the available record as well as have minutely gone through the impugned judgment.

3. Perusal of record reveals that after recording the statement of the petitioner/father, the learned Guardian Court dismissed the application under Section 25 of the Guardians & Wards Act, 1890 as withdrawn and also issued a schedule of visitation, which is reproduced hereunder:-

(i)       The interim custody of the minor will be handed over to the petitioner (father) on first Saturday of every Calendar month at 5:00p.m and respondent shall return the interim custody of the minor to the respondent (mother) on first Sunday at 5:00p.m.

(ii)      On the second day of Eid-ul-Fitar the petitioner (father) shall be entitled for interim custody of the minor on 2nd day of Eid-ul-Fitar from 5:00p.m and petitioner shall return the interim custody of the minor to the respondent (mother) on the 3rd day of Eid-ul-Fitar at 5:00p.m.

(iii)     On the second day of Eid-ul-Azha the petitioner (father) shall be entitled for interim custody of the minor on 2nd day of Eid-ul-Azha from 5:00p.m and petitioner shall return the interim custody of the minor to the respondent (mother) on the 3rd day of Eid-ul-Azha at 5:00p.m.

(iv)     On the occasion of birthday of the minor, the petitioner (father) shall be entitled for interim custody of the minor from 5:00p.m and petitioner shall return the interim custody of minor to respondent (mother) on the next day of birthday of the minor at 5:00p.m.

(v)      During summer vacations, the interim custody of the minor shall be handed over to the petitioner/father on the 1st Sunday of the summer vacations so declared by the School/Government and shall be returned to the respondent/mother at the evening on the 4th Sunday so that minor may have four weeks to spent with his father.

(vi)     During winter vacations the interim custody of the minor shall be handed over to the petitioner/father for first half of the winter vacations and the minor shall be returned to the respondent/mother. All the above said meetings will be subject to submission of surety bonds to the tune of Rs. 700,000/- and fee payable to the bailiff by the petitioner.

Learned Appellate Court partially accepted the appeal of Respondent No. 1/mother and new schedule for visitation of minor with respondent was framed, which is reproduced hereunder:-

(i)       The interim custody of the minor will be handed over to the respondent (father) on first Saturday of every Calendar month at 10:00 a.m and he shall return the interim custody of the minor to the appellant (mother) on the same day at 1:00 p.m. This meeting would be happened in the visitation room established inside the Court premises.

(ii)      On second day of every Eid, at 11:00 a.m the custody of minor will be handed over to the respondent. And he will return her custody to appellant at 3:00 p.m on the same day subject to furnishing surety bond of Rs. 10,00,000/- . Surety will be responsible for safe custody of minor and handing over the custody of minor from one person to another.

(iii)     On the occasion of birthday of the minor, the respondent (father) shall be entitled for interim custody of the minor from 1:00 p.m and he shall return the interim custody of minor to appellant (mother) on the same day at 4:00 p.m.

(iv)     The respondent (father) will visit the minor during Summer and Winter vacations on every Saturday of month at 11:00 a.m. to 01:30 p.m. at Court premises because minor is of tender age and her custody cannot be handed over to the respondent for night stay.

(v)      All the above said meetings will be subject to submission of surety bonds to the tune of Rs. 10,00,000/- and fee payable to the bailiff by the respondent (father).

4. It is a settled proposition of law that a non-custodial parent has all the rights to meet his/her children and neither right of access to his/her minor children can be denied nor a non-custodial parent will be considered as an alien to his/her children. A minor not only needs love, affection, care and attention of a mother but also the father and negating a non-custodial parent of his/her right to meet his/her minor children would lead to emotional deprivation. A non-custodial parent has an inherent right to effectively participate in upbringing of minor and that cannot be achieved without properly chalked visitation schedule. Due to lack of interaction with non-custodial parent, the children start forgetting and in many cases disliking the non-custodial parent and this phenomenon has been named as Parental Alienation Syndrome by the psychiatrists. Hence, visiting schedule significantly bridges a relationship between the minor children and a non-custodial parent. Using visitation rights, a non-custodial parent can not only recolour the emotions of minor children for him/her but also reinvigorate the bond of love and affection with minor.

5. Although, the law on the subject of visitation is contained in the Guardian & Wards Act (VIII of 1890) but without any guidelines about the duration, frequency of those visits of minor and about the visitation schedule, hence, while deciding about the visitation schedule, the paramount consideration is the welfare of minor. Considering the paramount consideration of welfare of minor and in view of the dictum laid down by the Honorable Superior Courts about chalking the visitation schedule of minor, especially the case reported as Mst. Madiha Younus vs. Imran Ahmed (2018 SCMR 1991), the petitioner is entitled to meet with his daughter/ minor as per new visitation schedule which is reproduced hereunder:

(i)       The interim custody of the minor will be handed over to the petitioner (father) on first Saturday of every Calendar month at 5:00 pm and respondent shall return the interim custody of the minor to the respondent (mother) on first Sunday at 3:00 pm.

(ii)      On the second day of Eid-ul-Fitar the petitioner (father) shall be entitled for interim custody of the minor from 5:00 pm and petitioner shall return the interim custody of the minor to the respondent (mother) on the 3rd day of Eid-ul-Fitar at 3:00 pm.

(iii)     On the second day of Eid-ul-Azha the petitioner (father) shall be entitled for interim custody of the minor from 5:00 pm and petitioner shall return the interim custody of the minor to the respondent (mother) on the 3rd day of Eid-ul-Azha at 3:00 p.m.

(iv)     On the occasion of birthday of the minor, the petitioner (father) shall be entitled for interim custody of the minor from 4:00 pm and petitioner shall return the interim custody of minor to respondent (mother) on the same day of birthday of the minor at 8:00 pm.

(v)      During summer vacations, the interim custody of the minor shall be handed over to the petitioner/ father on the 1st Sunday of the summer vacations so declared by the School/Government and shall be returned to the respondent/mother by the petitioner after two weeks of minor’s stay with him & during winter vacations the interim custody of the minor shall be handed over to the petitioner/father for just first three days of the winter vacations and thereafter, minor shall be returned to the respondent/mother.

(vi)     All the above said meetings will be subject to submission of surety bonds to the tune of Rs. 1000,000/- (rupees ten lacs only) by the petitioner/father to the satisfaction of the learned guardian Court prior to receiving the minor from respondent/mother and also surrendering his international valid passport during the minor’s stay with him and by paying fee payable to the Court’s bailiff by the petitioner.

6. In view of above discussion, instant petition is partly allowed by setting aside the impugned judgment of learned Appellate Court and by also amending the visitation schedule, chalked out by the learned Guardian Court.

(Y.A.)  Partly allowed

Maternal Grandparents Rights of Custody of Minor

 PLJ 2024 Lahore (Note) 126

[Multan Bench, Multan]

Present: Raheel Kamran, J.

Mst. AMEER MAI etc--Petitioners



W.P. No. 11228 of 2023, decided on 20.2.2024.

Guardian and Wards Act, 1890 (VIII of 1890)--

----S. 25--Constitution of Pakistan, 1973, Art. 199--Application for custody of minor--Pendency of litigation--Appeal--Dismissed--Visitation schedule--Maternal grand parents--Visitation rights--Challenge to--Undisputedly minor had been resided with her grandmother since her birth--She was of tender age of about 2½ years--No emotional bond had been developed between minor and her father and paternal relations, abrupt withdrawal of her custody from her maternal grandparents might be very traumatic for minor--Documents qua early retirement of Respondent No. 3 and admission of brother of minor in F.G. Public School No.1 (Boys), Gujranwala Cantt did not form part of evidence as those came into existence after decision of Guardian Court--High Court deemed it appropriate to remand matter to trial Court concerned for determination of custody of welfare of minor after permitting parties to lead additional evidence as well as allowing Respondent No.3 along with his mother and/or sister to exercise of his visitation rights vis-à-vis minor twice every month on weekends for two hours each time so that bond of love and affection between minor and her father was allowed to be developed--Petition disposed of.               

                                                                                  [Para 6] A, B & C

Mr. Muhammad Nadeem Fareed, Advocate for Petitioners.

Rao Muhammad Adnan, Advocate for Respondent No. 3.

Date of hearing: 20.2.2024.


Through this petition under Article 199 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, the petitioner has assailed judgment dated 06.07.2023 passed by the learned Additional District Judge, Taunsa Sharif whereby her appeal against the judgment dated 27.04.2023 passed by the learned Guardian Judge, Taunsa Sharif about custody of minor namely Rukhsar Bano aged 2½ years to her real father i.e. Respondent No. 3 was dismissed.

2. Learned counsel for the petitioner contends that impugned judgments of the learned Courts below are unsustainable as Respondent No. 3 is serving in Pakistan Army who is not residing within the village and is unable to devote time for proper upbringing of the minor, whereas the minor has been residing with her maternal grandmother since her birth. He maintains that no effort has been made by Respondent No. 3 to exercise his visitation rights during pendency of proceedings before the learned trial Court, learned Appellate Court or this Court, therefore, there is no bond of love and affection between minor and her father. He adds that application for custody of the minor has been moved with malafide to deprive maternal grandparents from custody of minor and entrust the same to her paternal grandparents which hardly serve welfare of the minor. Reliance has been placed on judgments in the cases of Raja Muhammad Owais vs. Mst. Nazia Jabeen and others (2022 SCMR 2123) and Mst. Anwari Bibi vs. Hidayat Ulah Khan and others (2020 MLD 302).

3. Conversely, learned counsel for the Respondent No. 3 has supported the impugned judgments for the reasons that stated therein. He has emphasized that not only father of the minor is her natural guardian who, in the absence of any disqualification in law, is entitled to her custody but he is with better means and resources to ensure welfare of the minor and her upbringing with the assistance of his mother and sister. He adds that the minor would be better off to be brought up in the company of her brother who is already in the custody of her father. It has been emphatically argued that custody of the minor could not be entrusted to maternal grandparents who are delinquent in upbringing their own granddaughter and litigation in this regard is pending adjudication before the learned Family Court which has been filed by their daughter- in-law for the provision of her maintenance. He maintains that in order to properly bring up his minor children, the Respondent No.3 has applied for early retirement and his son has already been enrolled at F.G. Public School No. 1 (Boys), Gujranwala Cantt since July 2023 where he is residing with his paternal grandmother and paternal aunt. Reliance has been placed on the case of Shabana Naz vs. Muhammad Saleem (2014 SCMR 343).

4. Father of the minor, present in the Court, submits that he has not been allowed to meet the minor rather threats have been extended to him whenever he made any such attempt of visitation. Documents i.e. Fee Card of Muhammad Saqlain issued by F.G. Public School No. 1 (Boys) Gujranwala Cantt, application regarding retirement submitted by the Respondent No. 3 and Residency Certificate are produced by the learned counsel for the Respondent No.3, copies whereof has been retained and original documents have been returned to the learned counsel for the Respondent No. 3.

5. Arguments heard. Record perused with the able assistance of learned counsel for the parties.

6. Welfare of the minor is the primary consideration governing the grant of custody of minors. While this Court is of the considered opinion that in the absence of his disqualification, a father cannot be deprived of custody of the minor as ordinarily welfare of the minor lies with his or her parents. In exceptional cases and for valid reasons, a parent can be denied the right of custody while entrusting it to the grandparents, when it is absolutely necessary and in the welfare of the minor to do so. In the instant case, undisputedly the minor has been residing with her grandmother since her birth. She is of tender age of about 2½ years. Undeniably, no emotional bond has been developed between the minor and her father and paternal relations, therefore, abrupt withdrawal of her custody from her maternal grandparents may be very traumatic for the minor. Additionally, documents qua early retirement of Respondent No.3 and admission of brother of the minor in the F.G. Public School No.1 (Boys), Gujranwala Cantt do not form part of the evidence as those came into existence after decision of the Guardian Court. Therefore, to allow fair opportunity to either side, this Court deems it appropriate to remand the matter to the learned trial Court/Guardian Judge concerned for determination of custody of welfare of minor after permitting the parties to lead additional evidence as well as allowing Respondent No.3 along with his mother and/or sister to exercise of his visitation rights vis-à- vis the minor twice every month on the weekends for two hours each time so that the bond of love and affection between the minor and her father is allowed to be developed. For that purpose, schedule of visitation shall be set down on an application to be moved by Respondent No.3. The learned Guardian Judge shall ensure that visitation right is allowed to be exercised by the Respondent No. 3 without any hindrance or intimidation whatsoever. Accordingly, the impugned judgments shall be set aside and application of Respondent No. 3 shall be deemed to be pending before learned Guardian Judge concerned who shall decide the same afresh within a period of three months and a compliance report in that regard shall be submitted to the Deputy Registrar (Judicial) of this Court.

7. Disposed of.

(Y.A.)  Petition disposed of