Friday, 30 August 2013

Execution of documents in family courts

Citation Name : 2012 PLD 108 PESHAWAR-HIGH-COURT-NWFP Side Appellant : Mst. ROZEENA KHATTAK Side Opponent : Raja ABDUL RASHEED

S. 17---Qanun-e-Shahadat (10 of 1984), Art. 79---Proof of execution of documents---Scope---Family courts were governed by the special law of the West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964, wherein the proof of documents in its stricto sensu was not applicable---Any document or deed mentioned in the nikahnama though not proved under Art.79 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat, 1984; its existence and production of the stamp vendor before the Family Court was sufficient to rely on the said deed and on the same being correct and validly executed.