[Gazette of Pakistan, Extraordinary, Part-II, 3rd August, 2012]
R. O. 954 (I)/2012, dated 28.6.2012.—In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 10 of the Federal Levies
Force Regulation, 2012 the Federal Government is pleased to make the following
rules, namely:-
1. Short title and commencement.—(1) These rules may be called Federal Levies
Force (Service) Rules, 2012.
(2) They shall come into force at once.
2. Definitions.—(1) In these Rules, unless the context
otherwise require, the following expressions shall have the meanings hereby
respectively assigned to them, namely:-
(a) "Appointing
Authority" means the appointing authority specified in Rules 4;
(b) "Commandant"
means Commandant of the Force, who shall be Political Agent of the Agency or,
as the case may be, District Coordination Officer for FRs in their respective
(c) "Director-General"
means an officer appointed as such by the Federal Government, to exercise such
powers and functions as may be prescribed;
(d) "Director"
means an officer appointed as such by the FATA Secretariat who shall have
practical experience of civil administration in tribal areas and who shall
exercise such powers and functions as may be prescribed;
(e) "Deputy
Commandant (Operations)" means an Assistant Political Agent of a
Sub-Division or an Agency or FR or any officer of the District designated as
such officer by the Provincial Government, who shall be Deputy Commandant
(Operations) of the Force in their respective jurisdiction to exercise such
powers and functions as may be prescribed; and
(f) "Deputy
Commandant (Administration)" means an officer of Federal or Provincial
civil service or any officer of the District designated as such officer by the
Provincial Government in their respective jurisdiction to exercise such powers
and functions as may be prescribed and who shall be responsible to the
Commandant for administrative and establishment matters of the Force.
(g) "FR"
means Frontier Regions;
(h) "Government"
means the Federal Government;
(i) "initial
recruitment" means appointment made other than by promotion or by transfer
from other services;
(j) "Schedule"
means the Schedule of these rules;
(k) "Selection
or Promotion Committee" means a Committee for recruitment or as the case
may be, promotion of Force personnel as notified by the Government;
(1) "service"
means the Levies Service;
(2) The
expression used but not defined herein shall have the same meanings as are
assigned to them under the Federal Levies Force Regulation, 2012.
3. Composition and eligibility of the
Force.—(1) The Force shall comprise
of the posts specified in Schedule-I and such other posts as may be determined
by the Government from time to time.
(2) Recruitment to the Force shall be made in
accordance with the requirement specified in Schedule-I. The following
conditions shall also be fulfilled, namely:--
(a) a
candidate for appointment shall be a citizen of Pakistan and bona-fide resident of the respective district, agency or Frontier
Region, as the case may be;
(b) no
candidate shall be appointed to a post unless he is found, after medical
examination, to be in good mental and bodily health and free from physical
defect, likely to interfere in the efficient discharge of his duties;
(c) Medical
Superintendent of the respective District
Headquarters Hospital
or Agency Headquarters Hospital
shall issue a certificate of medical fitness of the candidate;
(d) recruitment
to all ranks of the Force shall be made from amongst those persons having a
minimum height 5'-5" and chest measurement of 32"-34" with an
age of not less than eighteen years and not more than twenty-five years on the
last date of submission of application;
(e) the
upper age limit may be relaxed upto three years in special circumstance and in
case of ex-servicemen upto five years by the competent authority;
(f) on
person (except those who are already in Government Service) shall be appointed
to the Force unless he produces a certificate of character from the Principal
or Academic Officer of the academic institution last attended and also a
certificate of character from two gazetted officers from respective districts
or sub-section of the tribes, not being his relative and who are well acquainted
with his character; and
(g) no
person who is married to a foreign national shall be eligible for appointment
in the Force, unless allowed by the Government, in writing.
4. Appointing authority.—(1) Commandant shall be the appointing authority
for initial recruitment or promotion of the Force personnel.
(2) Appointment
to the post shall be made in accordance with the provision contained in
Schedule-I of these rules.
(3) Appointment
shall be made through a duly constituted Selection Committee.
5. Probation.—(1) All selected personnel of the Force shall
remain on probation for one year extendable by a further period of one year. If
no order is issued on the expiry of the first year of probation period, the
period of probation shall be deemed to have been extended for further one year.
If no order is issued on the completion of extended period, the probation shall
be deemed to have been terminated.
(2) All promotions shall be on probation for a
period of one year from the date of promotion and may be reverted to the former
rank if they fail to maintain the prescribed standard of conduct and
efficiency. All reversion orders shall carry reasons thereof in writing.
6. Training.—(1) All newly recruited personnel of the
Force, shall undergo six months pre-service training before being assigned
duties of the rank for which they are selected. Initially, the Appointing
Authority shall arrange for appropriate training till a proper Levies Training
School is established.
(2) The pre-service training mentioned in sub-rule
(1) may contain training on basic laws, investigation techniques, mob control,
basic intelligence, arrest and detention procedure, jail duties, drill, weapons
training, field craft, bomb disposal, counter assault, traffic control etc.
Proper training syllabus and modules shall be developed through mutual
consultation with local law enforcing agencies by the Commandant.
7. Resignation.—No member of the Force shall resign before
the expiration of the first three months of his recruitment or he shall deposit
an amount equal to his three months pay in lieu of his three months essential
8. Seniority and promotion.—Promotion shall be strictly on seniority-cum-fitness
basis as well as on the required length of service as specified in Schedule-I.
The service of personnel by initial recruitment or promotion may be dispensed with
or reverted if, in the opinion of the Competent Authority, his work and conduct
is not satisfactory during probation period or due to abolishment of posts, as
the case may be. A seniority list shall be maintained at District, Agency or
Frontier Region level.
9. Transfer during service.—Members of the Force shall be liable to
transfer anywhere in their respective District, Agency or Frontier Region. An officer
of the force may be transferred to any other District, Agency or Frontier
Region in the public interest.
10. Punishment.—After satisfying themselves regarding
punishable acts (as referred to in Schedule-II) through a proper inquiry, the
necessary punishment specified in Schedule-III may be awarded by the competent
authority. A person to whom punishment is awarded shall be given an opportunity
to show-cause in writing. However, in circumstances where it is not possible to
adopt this procedure the competent authority, for reasons to be recorded in
writing, may dispense with such requirement.
11. Appeal.—If a Force personnel is aggrieved by any order under these rules, he
may within thirty days of communication to him of such order, prefer appeal to
the competent authority. Force personnel may file a revision petition to the
next higher authority within thirty days of the receipt of decision of appeal
or sixty days of the preference of appeal, whichever is earlier,
12. Awards and commendations.—(1) Force personnel may be given special
award and commendation certificate for devotion to duty, demonstration of gallantry
and such achievement in the performance of duty, in the manners as prescribed
by the Commandant after approval from the Government.
(2) Force personnel, if embraces martyrdom in
the discharge of his duty, will be given proper Guard of Honour at the time of
13. Service Record.—Proper service rolls of all Force Personnel
shall be maintained in Levy Office of each District or Agency or Frontier
Region. Annual Reports of all Havaldars and Junior Commissioned Officers (JCOs)
will also be maintained for the purpose of promotion.
14. Leave.—(1) Earned Leave may be granted depending on the exigencies and at the
discretion of the Commandant. All leave of ten days or above, will be
considered as long leave and shall be granted on the recommendations of Subedar
Major by the Commandant.
(2) Casual
leave may be allowed upto three days by the competent authority. Casual leave
upto nine days may be granted by the Deputy Commandant (to be notified by the
Commandant) on the recommendation of the concerned JCO.
(3) Medical
leave shall be granted by the Commandant on the production of medical
certificate from the Civil Surgeon concerned.
15. Salary.—The Force personnel shall be entitled to receive pay and allowances as
per their pay scales notified by the Government from time to time.
16. Retirement.—The Force personnel shall retire from service
on attaining the age of superannuation i.e. 60 years or he may opt for
retirement after completing 25 years of regular service.
17. Extension in Service.—No extension in service shall be granted at
any cost whatsoever.
18. Conduct.—The conduct of Force personnel shall be regulated by rules made, or
instructions issued by Government.
19. Gratuity and pension.—All Force personnel will be entitled to pension
as per prevailing Government rules.
20. Compensation.—(1) The family of Force personnel shall be granted
death compensation in case the Force Personnel embraces martyrdom during
discharge of his duly as per rates prescribed by the Government.
(2) Force
personnel shall be grunted compensation in case of sustaining fatal injury or
injuries during the discharge of his duty. If he is declared incapacitated for
further service due to such fatality, he shall be entitled to gratuity and
pension for rendering minimum service of ten years.
(3) Sons
and wards of such martyred and incapacitated Force Personnel shall be given
preference in recruitment of Force personnel for compensating the family
21. Funds.—(1) Force personnel shall be governed by the provision of general
provident funds, benevolent funds and group insurance as prescribed for other
employees of the Government.
(2) A special welfare funds for Force
personnel shall be created by the Government at Federal level with monthly
contribution from all Force personnel at the rate as prescribed by the
Commandant, which shall be utilized for the general welfare of Force personnel
and their families.
22. Health care.—Medical facilities for the Force personnel
and their families shall be catered at Government hospitals and dispensaries at
par with other employees of the Government.
23. Monitoring and evaluation.—(1) Commandant or Deputy Commandant of the
Force shall set up suitable number of levy posts in the respective jurisdiction
and shall assign suitable number of Force personnel at each of such levy post.
(2) There
shall be levy line in each District, Agency or Frontier Region which shall have
all necessary facilities including parade ground, barracks, quarter guards, both
and armory etc.
(3) Every
personnel of the Force shall wear prescribed uniform alongwith all accessories
at the time of duty, during duty hours and beyond if assigned special duty.
(4) Duty
registers showing the duties assigned to each individual on day to day basis
shall be maintained in each levy post by a muharrir.
(5) Naib
Subedar shall be responsible for carrying out the work assigned to Force
personnel whose duties shall be intimated in advance with written entry in the
duty register.
(6) Such
registers including roznamchas as
prescribed by the Commandant shall be maintained in every post.
(7) Sub-divisional
magistrates, tehsildars and naib tehsildars shall in the course of
their tours, inspect levy duty register and roznamchas
and satisfy themselves that Force Personnel are carrying out their respective
duties. A note regarding absence from the post or from the place of duty of any
Force personnel without leave, shall invariably be recorded by inspecting
officers in the Force duty register. Matter shall be reported to Assistant
Director or District Commandant within twenty four hours for appropriate
24. Anomalies.—An Anomaly Committee shall be set up in the States
& Frontier Regions Division to correct anomalies, if any.
25. Repeal.—Any rules, orders or instructions enforce in respect of the Federal
Levies Force, immediately before the commencement of these rules shall stand
repealed in so far as those rules, orders or instructions are inconsistent with
the rules.
rule 4(2)
S. No.
for promotion
Promotion Quota
Direct Quota
Subedar Major (BS-16)
5 years service as Subedar or 10 years service in his
Subedar (BS-13)
5 years service as Naib Subedur or 8 years service in
his credit
Naib Subedar (BS-11)
5 years service as Havaldar
Havaldar (BS-8)
3 years service as Sepoy and above rank
Naik (BS-7)
3 years service as Sepoy or Lance Naik
L/Naik (BS-6)
2 years service as Sepoy
Sepoy (BS-5)
Middle pass preferably Matric
Assistant (BS-14)
5 years service as Senior Clerk
B.A. for equivalent for direct recruitment
Senior Clerk (BS-9)
5 years service as Junior Clerk
F.A. or equivalent (Preferably know Typing/Computer)
Junior Clerk (BS-7)
10% from lower staff with Matric
Matric or equivalent (Preferably know
Driver (BS-5)
Driving License/Driving Experience
Tracker (BS-2)
5 years service in BS-1
Primary Pass
Bahishti (BS-1)
Sweeper (BS-1)
Rule 10]
of Penalty
The concerned authority may impose one or
more penalties (as specified in Schedule-III of these rules), where a personnel
of the Force, in the opinion of the authority,
(a) is
inefficient or has ceased to be efficient;
(b) is
guilty of misconduct, like unauthorized absence from duty, breach of order,
disobedience, unruly behavior, passing on official secrets to unauthorized
persons, etc;
(c) is
corrupt, or may reasonably be considered as corrupt;
(d) is
guilty of any violation of duty;
(e) losses,
misplaces or causes harm to a weapon through negligence or lack of maintenance;
(f) is
grossly insubordinate to this superiors;
(g) is
convicted of a criminal offense;
(h) is
guilty of cowardice, or abandons any piquet, fortress, post or guard which is
committed to his charge or which is his duly to defend;
(i) is
engaged in propagation of sectarian, parochial, anti-state views and
(j) is
engaged or is reasonable suspected of being engaged to excite, cause or
conspire to cause or joins in any mutiny, or being present at any mutiny and
does not use his utmost endeavor to suppress it;
(k) attempt
collective bargaining, conspiring or attempting to call off duty or take out
procession lo press for the demands;
(l) is
guilty of omission and commission under the law and rules.
Rules 10]
Punishment and Competent Authority
S. No.
Subedar Major & Subedar
Naib Subedar or Havaldar
Naik or Lance Naik
Extra Drill not exceeding fifteen days fatigue or
other duties
Naib Subedar.
Confinement to quarter guard upto fifteen days
Deputy Director
Assistant Director
Subedar Major
Fofeiture of approved service upto two years
Stoppage of increment not exceeding one month’s pay
Fine of any amount not exceeding one month’s pay
Withholding of promotion for one year or less
Reduction from substantive rank to a low rank or
reduction in pay
Dismissal or removal from service or compulsory