1. A society is registered under societies registration act 1860. It comprises of 20 member of general body at least and among them at least 7 members are office bearers. It is registered in a particular district with having all the office bearers belonging to the same district at least. A society can be registered for few purposes only. Such as for the promotion of art and education.
2. A section 42 company is a foundation as per my knowledge. It is registered under Companies Ordinance 1984. It has the greatest jurisdiction in terms of NPOs (Non Profit Organizations) as it has the tendency to work in all Pakistan. It consists of at least 3 promoters and 8 board of directors as per my knowledge. The promoters cannot take any designation in it. On the other hand the board of directors are empowered to make rules and appoint office bearers. It has a registration fee of 85000 Pakistani Rupees as per my knowledge and lawyer's fee is exclusive of that.
3. Another type of non profit organization is a Volunteer Social Welfare Organization which is registered under Volunteer social welfare act, 1961. It has a similar structure to that of a society and it is registered in a particular district. The different between this type of NGO and society is that it can be registered for any charitable and social purpose. Both of these are subjected to clearance. Society requires approval from Special Branch only which a VSWA Organization requires approval from certain agencies.
4. Another type of NGO is a trust. It is also registered at a district level. It has an author(trustor), at least two Trustees and beneficiaries. It is registered under Trust Act 1882.
5. A housing society is registered under corporate societies act. It has a different concept as it is not for charitable purposes.