Many people around the world have problems regarding the details of their ancestral properties because of various reasons. They wish to obtain information in this respect. However a fact is that the property records are not computerized in many countries. Now the question is how to obtain property details when the record is not computerized in any country or state. Answer is that the only way to get information about the property is manual search
In India, Bangladesh and Pakistan there is a Patwari system. It is a very corrupt system but it has the benefit that it contains the records of owners for centuries. There is a document known as Record of Rights which is maintained in all the estates for centuries. A person having legal knowledge can obtain record of any property with some hassle using that
Our Attorneys are well qualified to move from place to place and inspect records in the professional manner. You can always hire us to obtain complete information regarding your ancestral property anywhere around the world. For more feel comfortable to share your grievance with us at