Saturday, 7 September 2013

Writ Petition can be filed against Session Judge

PLJ 2013 Islamabad 229
Present: Iqbal Hameed-ur-Rehman, C.J.
W.P. No. 1741 of 2012, decided on 12.6.2012.
Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984 (10 of 1984)--
----Art. 85--Constitution of Pakistan, 1973, Art. 199--Constitutional petition--Public document--Application for supply of certified copies of complete inquiry proceedings--Entitlement of grant of certified copies of complete inquiry proceedings--Validity--Whereas an order for holding of regular inquiry was passed as such, inquiry had not yet been concluded by I.O. and at such stage, no person has right to inspect any document relating to inquiry proceedings--Stance taken by petitioner had no legs to stand because inquiry conducted by judicial officer regarding missing of file or negligence acts of omission and commission of an official of District Court cannot be termed as judicial inquiry, rather, such an inquiry was conducted in pursuance of administrative order passed by authroity--Inquiry proceeding which had yet not been concluded, cannot be termed as judicial record--Petition was dismissed.       [P. 231] A, B & C
Mr. Irshad Ahmed Suleria, Advocate for Petitioner.
Date of hearing: 12.6.2012.
Through the instant Constitutional Petition under Article-199 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, the petitioner seeks setting aside of the impugned order dated 09-04-2012, whereby, the application filed by him for supply of certified copies of complete inquiry proceedings, regarding missing of the original file of execution petition titled "PPL Vs. Hassan Raza Syed" was disposed of by the learned District Judge (West), Islamabad.
2.  Learned counsel for the petitioner argued that according to Article-85 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984 the judicial enquiry comes within the definition of public document, and according to Article-87 of the Order ibid, the petitioner is entitled for the grant of certified copies of the complete inquiry proceedings got conducted by the Inquiry Officer. Learned counsel for the petitioner has also relied upon the "Rules and Orders of the Lahore High Court, Lahore Volume V, Part B" which relates to the grant of copies and translation of record.
3.  I have heard the learned counsel for the petitioner and perused the documents appended with the instant petition.
4.  Petitioner, through the instant writ petition seeks setting aside of the order dated 09-04-2012, whereby, his application for supply of certified copies of inquiry proceedings was disposed of by the learned District Judge (West), Islamabad. Learned counsel for the petitioner has argued that according to Article-87 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984, the petitioner is entitled for the grant of certified copies of the inquiry proceedings conducted by the Inquiry Officer.
5.  According to Article-87 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984, every public officer having the custody of public document, which any person has a right to inspect, shall give that person on demand a copy of it on payment of the legal fees. Learned District Judge (West) Islamabad in his order dated 09-04-2012 has mentioned that preliminary inquiry was conducted by the Inquiry Officer and in this regard a report has been submitted by the Inquiry Officer concerned, whereas, an order for holding of regular inquiry has been passed, as such, the inquiry has not yet been concluded by the Inquiry Officer and at such a stage, certainly no person has a right to inspect any document relating to the inquiry proceeding, therefore, according to the Article-87 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984, the petitioner's request for issuance of certified copies of the proceedings to him, could not be acceded to. The petitioner in his writ petition has mentioned that according to Article-85 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984, the Judicial inquiry comes within the definition of public document, therefore, the petitioner is entitled for the grant of certified copies of the Inquiry proceedings conducted by the Inquiry Officer. The stance taken by the petitioner has no legs to stand because the inquiry conducted by a judicial officer regarding missing of a file or negligence/acts of omission and commission of an official of District Court cannot be termed as judicial inquiry, rather, such an inquiry is conducted in pursuance of the administrative order passed by the authority concerned. Learned counsel for the petitioner has also referred to Part-B of the Rules and Orders of the Lahore High Court, Lahore Volume V. (Part B). From the perusal of the said Rules and Orders, I have reached to the conclusion that the same relate to copy or translation of a judicial record, whereas, the inquiry proceedings, which have also yet not been concluded, cannot be termed as judicial record. Moreover, it would not be out of place to mention here that according to Article 87(3) of the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984 "Official notes and correspondence or copies thereof, being not public documents, shall not be issued and shall not be admissible in any case."
6.  In the above perspective, I am inclined to hold that the instant writ petition has no merits. Resultantly the same stands dismissed in limine.
(R.A.)  Petition dismissed