Sunday, 22 April 2012

Sales Personel Required

We are looking for a few key people right here in Austin to join our team of positive, motivated entrepreneurs to partner with in the next billion dollar opportunity.
"If I found a way to make an absolute fortune, would you want to know about it?"
"What I've got is going to be bigger than Starbuck's coffee.  Our sales in 1 year eclipsed what Starbuck's did in 2 years. It will take us half the time to exceed 1 billion than it took Starbucks.”
That's what we have here.  If you would like to know more about the next billion dollar company....the fastest growing company in the world, please email me back ASAP and I will send you the phone number.  There is a business overview presentation at 7 p.m. CST tonight by our company executive.