According to section 289 of Pakistan Penal Code a master of any animal can be held liable when he/she has negligent behavior and such animal causes hurt. This law is applicable in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. However, since this principle is derived from common law then there are chances of presence of this law in UK and all the commonwealth countries in one way or the other. The content of section 289 is produced hereafter:-
289.Negligent conduct with respect to animal: Whoever, knowingly or negligently omits to take such order with any animal in his possession as is sufficient to guard against any probable danger to human life, or any probable danger of grievous hurt from such animal, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to 101 [three thousand rupees] 101 , or with both.
That means the person who has been hurt can take action against the master or owner of the dog and courts have jurisdiction to punish that person under the penal code.